National Research4Life Workshop: HINARI Training in Georgia

Lenny Rhine (far right), Research4Life trainer, with the workshop attendants.
Sponsored by the World Health Organisation and Librarians Without Borders, a three day ‘HINARI Train the Trainers’ workshop was held last April in Tbilisi, Georgia. A total of 25 participants completed the course. Attendants included a mix of physicians/clinicians, researchers, librarians, IT staff and students from different Universities, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and research centres or institutes.
The 1st day of the program focused on Internet searching, the HINARI portal, plus an overview of the HINARI and Research4Life training portals. During the second day, topics included E-book resources for HINARI users, evidence-based practice resources and a Marketing HINARI. The final day began with a brief overview of the WHO EURO resources. It then focused on the reference management softwares and authorship skills (how to read and write a scientific paper, plagiarism, web-bibliography – Internet resources).
For more information about Research4Life trainings and workshops visit our Training Portal.