A 6-part webinar series to maximize your research output and impact
Join us for a 6-part webinar program designed to support your publishing and research communication processes.
Taking place between May and July 2022, this webinar program is intended for researchers in low- and middle-income countries, aligned with Research4Life eligibility criteria, who wish to create, evaluate and disseminate their research.
This FREE educational webinar series will guide you to navigate the publishing and scholarly communications landscape so you can share your research outputs more effectively and maximize your research impact.

The webinars will be presented by key stakeholders in the field and will vary in format, including presentations, case studies and discussions. You can participate in the discussions using chat during the Q&A.
Please review the table below for an overview of the expected learning outcomes and details of the presenters for each webinar. You can register for all webinars or select a few. Registrations will close at midnight the day before each webinar. If you have questions about this webinar series, please email to [email protected].
Webinar 1 Introducing the webinar series. Highlighting the initial steps of research: search and access literature and formulating the research question. Wednesday 11th May 9am EDT/3pm CET & CAT/ 8pm ICT Duration: 90 Mins | Learning outcomes ✔ Understand how a research life cycle model provides a structured way to improve research communication skills ✔ Learn about the preliminary steps for implementing a research project which include: ● Information resources ● Literature searching ● Research4Life portal’s search tools ✔ Learn how to formulate a research question | Presenters Ana Morzinger, Elsevier Yingzhi Wang, Elsevier Gracian Chimwaza, ITOCA Gehane Al Garraya, Research4Life Lenny Rhine, Research4Life Moderator – Kathy Kwan, Research4Life |
Webinar 2 Open Science, from Open Access to Open Research – what’s it all About? Wednesday 18th May 9am EDT/3pm CET & CAT/ 8pm ICT Duration: 60 Mins | Learning outcomes ✔ Understand why Open Science is being promoted as a catalyst for the Sustainable Development Goals ✔ Learn about UNESCO Statement on Open Science – what is the philosophy behind it? ✔ Become aware about some of the things to look out for, e.g., predatory journals ✔ Distinguish between the different Open Access business models ✔ Learn about practical challenges attendees should consider as they seek to embed Open Science in their workflow? | Presenters Andy Robinson, CABI Roheena Anand, PLOS Ana Persic, UNESCO Moderator – Andrea Powell, STM |
Webinar 3 Writing winning grant proposals: get your research successfully funded. Wednesday 8th June 9am EDT/3pm CET & CAT/ 8pm ICT Duration: 90 Mins | Learning outcomes ✔ Learn the key strategies for making a research plan ✔ How to form qualified research team ✔ Learn the steps of grant application: call selection and proposal alignment; research background, objectives, and methodology; budget and project management; handling proposal submission; and interaction with funders. ✔ Understand the key elements for success and common mistakes in grant proposals ✔ Learn the strategies for overcoming the language barrier for non-native English speakers | Presenter Dr. Alsayed Mashaheet, CABI Moderator – Kathy Kwan, Research4Life |
Webinar 4 Understanding Publishing Ethics Wednesday June 29th 8am EDT/2pm CET & CAT/ 7pm ICT Duration: 90 Mins | Learning outcomes ✔ Introduction to publishing ethics, including an overview on the common types of issues which can arise. ✔ Gain a deep understanding of what publishing ethics are and why they are important for the integrity of research and science in general. ✔ Learn about the four of the most common issues we see in terms of publishing ethics followed by case studies and discussion. ✔ Learn about authorship issues, duplicate submission/publication, originality issues, data manipulation, consent. | Presenters Dr. Haseeb Ifranullah, Chef at the Scholarly Kitchen. Associate at INASP Dr. Sabina Alam, T&F Moderator- Carol Hollier, IFIS |
Webinar 5 Getting Published: How to increase your chances of success Wednesday July 6th 8am EDT/2pm CET & CAT/ 7pm ICT Duration: 90 Mins | Learning outcomes ✔ Learn how to navigate the different steps of the process for disseminating their research ✔ Discover how to choose the best journal for your work ✔ Understand how to prepare and submit a manuscript for publication ✔ Gain understanding about the peer review process ✔ Learn how to respond to reviewer comments | Presenters Gracian Chimwaza, ITOCA Victoria Babbit, T&F |
Webinar 6 Increasing the Impact of your Research Wednesday July 20th 8am EDT/2pm CET & CAT/ 7pm ICT Duration: 90 Mins | Learning outcomes ✔ Develop an understanding of what research impact is and why it is important ✔ Provide an overview of successful strategies and case studies for promoting research to distinct communities ✔ Receive advice from experts regarding impactful social media strategies and techniques. ✔ Gain insight on how to make an impact beyond the academy and engage with the general public and policy makers. | Presenters Gracian Chimwaza, ITOCA Victoria Babbit, T&F |