New Research4Life Training Portal

Published: Thursday 31st July 2014
Category: News

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Research4Life Training portal ( The goal of this resource is to centrally locate the inter-discipline training material and other training related information from all four Research4Life programmes – HINARI, AGORA, OARE and ARDI. The content of the portal is aimed at librarians, information specialists, scientists, researchers and students. It is divided into six sections:

• About Research4Life programs – overview of the R4L programs and the similarities and differences.

• Authorship Skills – a set of modules to develop authorship skills including how to read and write a scientific paper, copyright and plagiarism, strategies for effective writing and a web-bibliography of useful resources

• Reference Management Tools software – how to use modules on Mendeley, Zotero and EndNoteWeb

• Program Specific Training – links to individual training pages of the programs

• Courses and Workshops – up-to-date information on training options

• Other Resources – additional material about marketing and managing change strategies for Research4Life and information literacy

All the training material can be downloaded for free and distributed/used for training within your institution. Please view the portal, learn about the training related activities and download/use the available resources. If you have any questions or suggestions for other training material, contact [email protected].
