
A librarian in Myanmar is modernizing the way of delivering literature to students, a physiotherapist in Ethiopia is finding better ways to treat his patients and a researcher in Zimbabwe is tackling the burden of diabetes. These are just some of the many stories we hear from Research4Life user. Read more below on this page, and discover other stories from the community.

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New nonprofit launched to support Research4Life

Friends of Research4Life, a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the United States, was launched to support the critical mission of Research4Life to enable full participation in the global information environment. Organizations and individuals can now make contributions that directly benefit Research4Life programs.

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Access to environmental research in developing nations grown to 1500 institutions in less than three years
Amsterdam, 14 May 2009 – Research4Life today announces that the Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE) program has registered 1500 institutions since its launch in 2006, an increase of nearly 700 percent. This means that scientists, researchers and environmental policy-makers in
Sumawa Project in Kenya’s Rift Valley OARE case study
Aided by access to research, through the Research4Life initiative, the SUMAWA project is having an impressive impact on the local community, endangered tribes and wildlife in the area.  The Ogiek tribe in Kenya is endangered: the forest, their natural environment,
Research4Life in Nairobi, Kenya
An insight into how Research4Life is benefitting researchers in Nairobi, Kenya.  April 2009   frameborder="0" width="420" height="315">
OARE: Closing the Scientific Information Gap: Interview with Mohamed Atani, UNEP
Mohamed Atani is officer-in-charge of the publishing unit in the Division of Communications and Public Information (DCPI) based at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi. His main responsibilities included: running UNEP’s Publishing Board; supervising writing and editing, advising UNEP divisions on matters
International Diabetes Federation
Diabetes Post: Closing the information gap: The HINARI, AGORA and OARE programmes
The lack of access to scientific and medical literature has historically been a major challenge in developing countries. In a world that is increasingly digital, effective opportunities now exist for connecting healthcare providers, researchers and policy-makers with online research and