
A librarian in Myanmar is modernizing the way of delivering literature to students, a physiotherapist in Ethiopia is finding better ways to treat his patients and a researcher in Zimbabwe is tackling the burden of diabetes. These are just some of the many stories we hear from Research4Life user. Read more below on this page, and discover other stories from the community.

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New nonprofit launched to support Research4Life

Friends of Research4Life, a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the United States, was launched to support the critical mission of Research4Life to enable full participation in the global information environment. Organizations and individuals can now make contributions that directly benefit Research4Life programs.

ASCE Partners with Research4Life
ASCE has partnered with Research4Life to foster inclusive growth and development in the field of civil engineering. ASCE content is available for free to users in many Research4Life countries.
Register now for the upcoming 9th Research4Life MOOC
Registrations are open for the 9th edition of the Research4Life Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) .This free five-week course, which is taught in English, will run from 27 May to 30 June 2024.
Research4Life Country Connectors in 2024: Expansion and Impact
Read the latest report about our Country Connectors' work to heighten awareness about Research4Life resources and improve the research quality and quantity in lower income countries.
Research4life Appoints New Co-Chairs for Equity Committee
The Research4Life Equity Committee aims to increase representation and participation of researchers from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in the research landscape.
African scientist in the lab
Working towards removing barriers for LMIC researchers
Researchers in LMICs face numerous challenges including biases and limited roles in the global research community. Here we highlight solutions to disrupt the norm, dismantle systemic barriers and level the playing field for a more equitable research ecosystem.
Smart medical libraries for a ‘Smart Bangladesh’, the contribution of Research4Life
M. A. Mamun and S. Rahman explain the role of medical libraries in healthcare modernization. They advocate for smart medical libraries for a 'Smart Bangladesh', and point out the significant impact of Research4Life in enhancing medical library access and supporting the broader goals of 'Smart Bangladesh', and the SDGs.