Tag: SDG17

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Collaboration entre Research4Life, le DOAJ et l’ASSAf : une réponse aux besoins des chercheurs francophones en Afrique
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Une première série de formations en langue française a été organisée par le DOAJ, en collaboration avec Research4Life et l'ASSAf, pour les chercheurs de quatre pays francophones participant à notre programme 'Connecteurs nationaux de Research4life'. Plus de 100 participants ont pris part à ces sessions pour approfondir leurs connaissances sur les pratiques de publication scientifique, mettant en lumière la forte demande de formations dans des langues autres que l'anglais et l'importance de la collaboration locale pour accroître la visibilité des revues en libre accès.
Research and equity: Insights and actions for a global inclusive future
Personal stories and practical insights from Research4Life underscore the transformative power of collaboration and the effort required to bridge the research access gap.
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L’impact des collaborations internationales sur l’accès à l’information scientifique: témoignages du Burkina Faso
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Les histoires de Pascal Soubeiga et Kambou Kadio Kabou, deux fervents utilisateurs dévoués de Research4Life au Burkina Faso, mettent en lumière l'impact profond de Research4Life sur la recherche et l'éducation dans leur pays.
Welcome new Chair and Vice-Chair of Research4Life Executive Council
We are excited to announce the appointment of Lise as Chair of the Research4Life Executive Council. We are also delighted to announce that Professor Tandi Lwoga has been elected Vice-Chair of the Research4Life Executive Council.
Dr. Bazirake (center) and the research team from the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (the IP Office). Photo credit: Natalia Rodriguez (2019).
Transforming innovation in LMICs: A Q&A with WIPO’s Technology and Innovation Support Division
Find out how TISCs and Research4life are supporting innovators in low and middle-income countries. Check out our insightful Q&A with WIPO's Andrew Czajkowski. Learn how TISCs and ARDI are making a difference and driving innovation in LMICs. Read more in our latest Q&A.
Research4Life, DOAJ, ASSAf Accredited Course
This accredited course aims to strengthen the journal publications and enable the research from low- and middle-income countries to be more visible and accessible.
Emergency access to Research4Life content extended to occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem
The Emergency Action has been initially granted through June 12, 2024 — with the potential for an extended timeframe — and waiving all fees for the year.
ASCE Partners with Research4Life
ASCE has partnered with Research4Life to foster inclusive growth and development in the field of civil engineering. ASCE content is available for free to users in many Research4Life countries.
Sarah McDonald, she has curly reddish brown hair and a maroon blouse.
EUP joins Research4Life, boosting access to Humanities and Social Sciences research
We spoke with Sarah McDonald, Head of Journals for Edinburgh University Press (EUP), who shared the EUP team’s excitement about joining Research4Life.
APSs and Research4Life logos with an image of two hands shaking each other.
Research4Life welcomes American Physical Society as a new partner
Research4Life welcomes American Physical Society as a new partner. The inclusion of APS to the Research4Life partnership means an incredible expansion of our resources in the field of physics. We're adding all of the APS journals and their full archives to researchers and institutions in 115 countries.
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IOP Publishing donates APC revenue from retracted papers to Research4Life
Research4Life is excited to announce that IOP Publishing has made a meaningful donation to Research4Life, originating from a unique source – the Article Publication Charges (APCs) from retracted papers.
Making research equitable for all: Research4Life 2023 year in review
2023 has been an exciting year for Research4Life. Read this recap of some of the stories from this year!