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Researchers and Farmers in Burkina Faso Benefit from Research4Life’s AGORA Programme
As one of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso regularly suffers from drought, poor soil, lack of adequate communications and other infrastructure, a low literacy rate, and a stagnant economy. With 80% of the population relying on the
ILIG International Award Honours Vimbai Hungwe
This annual prize is awarded to a person, group or committee, which has made a real difference to a community through their work in library and information services in countries outside the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This
Low-Income Countries Get Free Access to Medical Text(regarding Oxford Textbook of Medicine Joining HINARI)- From Wellcome Trust Blog (May 2010)
A new Wellcome Trust sponsorship is helping doctors and healthcare workers in low- and middle-income countries gain free access to one of the world’s leading medical texts. The Oxford Textbook of Medicine has provided practical guidance on clinical management and
Oxford University Press logo
A medicine classic goes online and far afield: OUP's Oxford Textbook of Medicine launched online for the first time (From Oxford University Press, May 2010)
Oxford University Press (OUP) has launched, for the first time online, the prestigious Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Generations of consultants, trainees, and medical students have relied on this « classic » for practical guidance on clinical management and the prevention of disease.
Oxford University Press logo
A medicine classic goes online and far afield: OUP’s Oxford Textbook of Medicine launched online for the first time (From Oxford University Press, May 2010)
Oxford University Press (OUP) has launched, for the first time online, the prestigious Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Generations of consultants, trainees, and medical students have relied on this « classic » for practical guidance on clinical management and the prevention of disease.
IFIS – FSTA Abstracts join AGORA
The International Food Information Service (IFIS) Publishing has made available to AGORA subscribers in selected countries the FSTA/Direct- the Food Science and Technology Abstracts database. Established for over 40 years, the IFIS Publishing database, FSTA/Direct, offers access to extensive food