AAAS Science – Publisher of the Month

Published: lundi 14th juillet 2014
Category: Blog

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is our first publisher of the month. AAAS publishes three respected peer-reviewed journals that Research4Life users are able to access. Science, the premier global science weekly; Science Signaling, the leading journal of cell signaling and regulatory biology; and Science Translational Medicine, integrating medicine, engineering and science to promote human health.

Registered institutions in group A and B countries are able to access AAAS journals and resources through HINARI, AGORA, OARE and ARDI.


Science (1997–Current Issue)

ISSN: 1095-9203
AAAS Science
Science is the world’s leading journal of original scientific research, global news, and commentary. The journal publishes high-impact, original, peer-reviewed research and breaking science news. Several million viewers worldwide access Science online, downloading over 24 million full-text articles per year. Science publishes every Friday. Learn more.


Science Classic (1880–1996)

ISSN: 1095-9203

AAAS Science ClassicScience Classic provides access to the digital archives of the journal Science from its first issue in 1880 through 1996. Maintained and preserved by AAAS, the e-resource delivers 116 years’ worth of high-impact scientific literature from the annals of the world’s largest general science journal. Readers have access to the high-resolution PDF version of each full-text article, including interactive bibliographic citations, abstracts, and references. Learn more.


Science Translational Medicine

ISSN: 1946-6242

SciencTranslational MedicineScience Translational Medicine publishes cutting-edge research that fills the knowledge gaps between research and medical application to improve patient care worldwide. This includes results from animal models that are likely to apply to patients, studies in human tissue that provide new information about therapies or disease, and innovative reports of drug discovery and development. The e-resource publishes every Wednesday. Learn more.


Science Signaling

ISSN: 1937-9145

ScienceSignaling_Logo_ForWebScience Signaling offers researchers the most up-to-date resource for groundbreaking research and commentary in the multidisciplinary field of cellular signaling. The journal publishes key findings in cellular and physiological regulation, including research, reviews, and perspectives related to the mechanisms by which cells and organisms communicate and affect each other’s behavior. The e-resource publishes every Tuesday. Learn more.


Contact AAAS/Science
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