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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

WHO’s HINARI program partners with Wolters Kluwer to provide UpToDate to Ebola-affected African countries
Waltham, Massachusetts September 9th, 2015 – The World Health Organization (WHO)-hosted HINARI program announced a partnership with Wolters Kluwer to provide free access to UpToDate®, its evidence-based clinical decision support resource, to the three countries affected by Ebola (Liberia, Sierra
Research4Life Training: An Overview of the Past Year
To make the best use of the Research4Life resources, training is one of the key and most important activities that our partners and programmes are committed to offer to our users. During the year thousands of librarians and researchers make use
Publisher of the Month: JoMI
The Journal of Medical Insight (JoMI), is Research4Life’s new publisher of the month. The Boston-based journal publishes surgical video articles filmed at top U.S. hospitals. Although only 2 years old, JoMI is growing quickly with 30 released articles and a
JoMI joins Research4Life to bring high-quality surgical teaching videos to over 100 countries
The Journal of Medical Insight (JoMI) announced a partnership with Research4Life that will make the journal’s video articles accessible in over 100 developing countries. Research4Life will provide access to the journal through the Hinari program. This partnership will provide 5,700
Publisher of the Month: Brill
Brill is an active participating publishing partner in the Research4Life network. The global academic publisher in the Humanities, Social Sciences, International Law and Biology traces its history back to the 17th century Netherlands and the university town of Leiden. The academic community
National Research4Life Workshop: HINARI Training in Georgia
Sponsored by the World Health Organisation and Librarians Without Borders, a three day ‘HINARI Train the Trainers’ workshop was held last April in Tbilisi, Georgia. A total of 25 participants completed the course. Attendants included a mix of physicians/clinicians, researchers, librarians, IT staff and