United Nations – Food and Agriculture Organization Radio: 10th anniversary of Research4Life’s AGORA agricultural program
10th anniversary of Research4Life’s AGORA agricultural program
African librarians win the Research4Life competition
18 September 2013, Rome— This week marks the 10th anniversary of Research4Life’s AGORA agricultural program – a program coordinated by FAO, together with major publishers – which provides over 6,000 institutions in over 100 developing countries with

Onan Mulumba, a librarian at Makerere University in Uganda, was honoured by Research4Life for recognition of young, motivated and innovative talents at FAO Headquarters. An Honourable Mention for a second case study was also awarded to Cynthia Kimani, librarian at the Kenya Medical Research Institute Library. They are being interviewed by Liliane Kambirigi, FAO.
free or low-cost access to leading journals in the fields of health, agriculture, and environment. This past summer, the Research4life Library Competition recognized the role of librarians in building research capacity and boosting output among scientists, doctors and policy makers. Onan Mulumba, a librarian at Makerere University in Uganda, has won this year’s competition. He was honoured earlier this week during the AGORA anniversary celebrations at FAO Headquarters. An Honourable Mention for a second case study was also awarded to Cynthia Kimani, librarian at the Kenya Medical Research Institute Library. A recognition of young, motivated and innovative talents.
Mulumba and Kimani visited FAO studios to share their stories about the impacts of the AGORA program and how the Research4Life initiative is a game changer in the field research and information sharing in developing countries. (Interview conducted by Liliane Kambirigi)
Useful links:
Photos from Anniversary celebrations in Rome, Italy
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Radio/Audio queries: Liliane Kambirigi, [email protected], +39.0657053223/+39.3482523763
Sandra Ferrari, [email protected], +39.3403969347
FAO | Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy | (+39) 06 570 53625 | www.fao.org