Research4Life is now part of Oxfam's Digital Searching and Access Guideline

Published: quinta-feira 1st setembro 2016
Category: News

Screen Shot 2016-09-01 at 2.20.52 PMIn November 2012, Oxfam -one of the biggest international organizations working to fight poverty-, launched a series of guidelines to help development practitioners conduct high-quality research. The “how-to” guidelines are available in the Oxfam Policy and Practice website, which offers free access to over 4,000 publications. The research guidelines cover different aspects of the research process including the communication of research.
Originally written for Oxfam staff and partners, the guidelines cover important topics such as conducting interviews, planning surveys, creating graphics and other methodologies for best research practices. The guidelines have become very popular and are cited by academic literature and research reports.
Since July 2016, one of the guidelines, Reviewing the existing literature now reflects the work of Research4Life and INASP -one of Research4Life’s partners- in making books, journals, and databases more widely accessible to researchers in the developing world. We’re looking forward to keep working more with Oxfam in the production of research guidelines.
All guidelines are in English with some available in French and Spanish.
For more information visit the Oxfam Policy and Practice website or check the full list of Oxfam’s Research Guidelines.
