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A librarian working with doctors to save lives
In this new video, we follow Nasra Gathoni for a day in her job as Librarian at the Aga Kahn University library.
Free Science E-books on the Internet
Today, Research4Life users can find up to 30,000 science related books available from our platform depending on the publishers’ granting access to countries and institutions.  This material can be expanded with free e-books from several Internet sites. In our recent
The Mendeley Advisor Program
In previous posts we have talked about Mendeley, one of the many Research4Life partners. Mendeley is a program to manage and share research papers, and a platform to collaborate and discuss with the research community from all over the world. You can join
HINARI Impact survey 2014
Launched in January 2002, HINARI is the oldest programme of the Research4Life partnership.  This programme focuses on bringing peer-reviewed access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences to local, not-for-profit institutions in developing countries. Today, after 12 years, 170 publisher partners
Free Digital Tools for Researchers
Could you imagine doing research without internet? Digital tools have made research practices easier for scientists and librarians. Here we have gathered for you some digital resources to help you conduct research more efficiently and creatively. Read also our latest
Tips for writing a research paper
Writing a research paper? Reporting new results in a scientific journal is a process common to all researchers. However, many scientific papers fail to effectively communicate research work to their audience. Focusing on the authors instead of on the readers, including