Elsevier Connect: Measuring the impact of research access in the developing world

Published: mardi 22nd janvier 2013
Category: News

How Research4Life is being used to improve health care and economic development by Richard Gedye.

Published 7 January 2013

We all know that in many parts of the developing world, there are shortages of food, clean water, adequate housing, health care and other resources necessary for a well-functioning economic and social infrastructure. What is less appreciated is how these countries have historically also lacked access to up-to-date scientific research. Not only does this lack of access limit scientific activity; it deprives policymakers of knowledge that could help them address many of the symptoms of national underdevelopment.

For the past decade, Research4Life has been working to close this knowledge gap by providing developing nations with free or very low-cost access to peer-reviewed journals. more
